
Please sign up below if you would like to receive notifications from the King County Veterans Consortium.  We are Veterans, Neighbors, Elected Officials, VSOs, Families, and Service Providers that are Standing the Watch for Service Members, Veterans, and Families in King County.  The KCVC has been meeting for over 20 years to elevate our community. 

Who we are: 

At the ready to connect, heal, empower, and inspire one another to ensure our military family and greater community thrives.  

A military and civilian empowerment network with a shared unity of purpose across sectors and generations. 

A catalyst to leverage the common bond of our Veteran Service Organisations towards collective impact. 

Advisors on policies and practices effecting service members, veterans, and families in King County. 

A welcoming embrace of fellowship to all who sacrifice for our safety and security. 

A stage to elevate and witness the the hidden voices of our military family.  Everyone has a seat at our table. 

We generally convene monthly musters with special events around the community.  Please check our FB page and The for the latest listing of events. We maintain this distribution list as a vehicle for our partners to spread awareness for programs, advocacy, or fellowship events that benefit Service Members, Veterans, and Families.   

If you would like to share your event, program, advocacy information please email and will distribute via email or through our monthly muster report.  

In Fellowship, 

KCVC Red Team 

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